How I Approach Continuing Education
Learn my 3 rules for continuing education, packed with actionable tips to help you invest wisely in your success as your nutrition coaching business grows in size.
Happy 2-Tips Tuesday!
Here are two ideas to consider this week.
By Jennifer Broxterman, RD
1. How I do continuing education
Just before the Christmas break, a nutrition coach I’m mentoring asked me a really good question. “Jen, how do you handle continuing education? Gimme the specifics.”
Great question! I told her I’ve followed these 3 rules for 15 years:
1️⃣ Invest 5-10% of last year’s income.
At the start of every year, I review last year’s earnings and set aside 5-10% for continuing education. Here’s how that stacks up:
In the beginning:
$20,000 in sales = $1,000-$2,000 for growth
$50,000 in sales = $2,500-$5,000 for learning
Getting serious:
$100,000 in sales = $5,000-$10,000 to level up
$500,000 in sales = $25,000-$50,000 to stay sharp
Baller moves:
$1 million+ in sales = $50,000-$100,000 next level growth
This budget keeps me levelling up—hiring world-class mentors, joining masterminds with people way smarter than me, and sharpening my skills.
It’s also a subconscious nudge that I’m worth the investment, which trickles down into developing my team’s skills too!
Here’s the deal: if you’re the #1 contributing employee in your business, it’s essential that you treat yo’ self in the continuing education department.
Great companies invest in their top talent, so why wouldn’t you do the same when you’re running the show in your own small business? 😉
2️⃣ Balance coaching + business skills.
Each year, I commit to improving in 2 key areas:
📋 Technical Skills: Something that helps me be a better coach for my clients.
📊 Business Skills: Something that teaches me how to run my business better.
Together, these two leapfrog me forward, year-after-year.
3️⃣ Finish and apply… before starting something new.
One course at a time. Apply it immediately.
I focus on implementing what I’ve learned before chasing the next shiny certification. And if something I sign up for isn’t worth it? I mark it ‘done’ and let it go without guilt.
2. Investing in Growth
Rich people buy time.
Poor people buy stuff.
Ambitious people buy skills.
Lazy people buy distractions.
-Alex Hormozi
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7 Day Welcome Sequence for Nutrition Clients
Jen Broxterman
Registered Dietitian
Prosper Nutrition Coaching
Thanks for reading. Here are a few additional ways I might be able to help you.
Free Stuff: All Prosper Freebies
Podcast: Podcast Shows
Masterclass: Liftoff Course
Mini-Course: Accelerator Program
Certification: Nutrition Coaching Certification
Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD
• Award-winning Foods & Nutrition University Professor
• Successful entrepreneur of owner of NutritionRx
• 16 year CrossFit affiliate owner with my husband
• Founder of Prosper Nutrition Coaching & lead nutrition coach